Tuesday, March 30, 2010

IF: Rescue

Rescue me: From my sweet summer reverie. Or make it come true!

I know for most you folks, its spring, but my city prides in defying norms! Mumbai is as hot as it gets. And summer makes me daydream...when I should be working!
Also, I want to credit the inspiration for the curtain design to Illustrator Proiti Roy. She designed this pretty curtain in this book and it always appears in every reverie of mine :)

IF: Expired

I always feel that people, once they grow older, disregard their beauty. There is this misconception amongst folks that with age beauty expires. I don't agree. I feel with age, beauty gets ripe. Inner and outer! The lady in red agrees with me.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Holi!!!!

I know this came a tad bit late but its most heart-felt. Happy Holi to all my friends and visitors :) Have a bright and colorful year ahead :)

Happy Bot

just a quick drawing to try out my re-discovered Caran d'ache color pencils.